
Spiritual Life

Pinecrest is a Regnum Christi Catholic school, energized by our passion for Jesus Christ, and a desire to reach and teach the youth in our care.  Excellence in education – both academic and spiritual – is our goal. Pinecrest is like a family, animated by our love for God, for Mary the mother of Jesus, for the Church, and for our neighbors.

Our community is enriched by the presence of our team of Legionary priests and Consecrated women of Regnum Christi, many of whom live and serve on campus every day. These dedicated men and women serve alongside our teachers and staff as leaders, role models, encouragers, and friends for our students.

Spiritual formation is central to life at Pinecrest.  In fact, it’s happening all the time, in class and out of class, even in unexpected ways. Teachers take opportunities to encourage our youngest Paladins at lunch time, or during a rough-and-tumble game of soccer on the playground.  Priests and consecrated women find ways to speak into the lives of students and parents at the end of a long day of classes, and coaches model Christian virtues on the playing fields and courts.  Students have the privilege of attending all-school mass, or slipping into the chapel for some time alone with God.
955 Peachtree Parkway
Cumming, GA 30041
Phone: 770.888.4477
Fax: 770.888.0404