
Hall of Fame

Now Accepting Nominations

The Pinecrest Academy Athletics department is accepting nominations for the Athletics Hall of Fame.

Anyone may submit a nomination, and we would especially encourage nominations from our alumni, alumni families, current families, current faculty and staff, as well as, previous faculty and staff.

The Athletic Department is currently taking nominations in the following categories:
  • Student Athlete Alumni from the Classes of 2007-2014
  • Past Coaches
  • Past Athletic Administrators
  • Friends of Paladin Athletics
Review Hall of Fame nomination requirements below. The class will be honored on Homecoming weekend in the Fall.

Athletic Hall of Fame Requirements

Mission Statement
The Pinecrest Academy Athletics Hall of Fame was established in 2017 to honor those who have made outstanding contributions to Pinecrest athletics. Selection will take into consideration personal excellence in athletic, academic, and service to Pinecrest Academy and the community.

Criteria for Selection


  • Must be an alumnus of Pinecrest Academy who graduated in good standing a minimum of seven years prior to their nomination
  • Attended Pinecrest Academy for at least 3 years
  • Must have exhibited excellence in their academic and personal lives during and after their Pinecrest Academy years
  • Must have achieved a significant level of success in high school in their respective sport(s) as determined by the Committee
  • Outstanding athletic achievement after high school will be considered
  • Service to Pinecrest Academy will be taken into consideration

Former Coach/Administrator:​
(One of the following requirements must be met and will be considered for selection.)
  • Nominees are considered seven years after their retirement/resignation from Pinecrest
  • Length of affiliation with athletic program will weigh in decision for selection
  • Nominees must have coached at the varsity level or served as Athletic Director or Assistant Athletic Director at Pinecrest Academy for a minimum of five years. (Exception: Posthumous nominations can be made at any time.)
  • Nominees must have made a significant contribution(s) to the Pinecrest athletic program- time and/or treasure.
  • Success of teams in region and state competition
  • Honors and awards

Friend(s) of Paladin Athletics:
  • Nominees include friends of the program who are no longer associated with Pinecrest Athletics.
  • Nominees must have made a significant contribution(s) to Pinecrest Athletics - time and/or treasure.
  • Nominees must be exemplary role models for the students of Pinecrest.
  • Nominees must exhibit excellence in personal and professional life after their time at Pinecrest.

Nominating and Voting/Confirmation Process

Anyone may submit a nomination for the Pinecrest Athletic Hall of Fame. All nominations go before the Leadership Team prior to going before the full Hall of Fame Committee. After the Leadership Team has fully vetted all nominees, the full Hall of Fame Committee will vote on who moves forward for final voting on induction. An athlete or contributor must be nominated each year in order to be considered. Potential inductees may be nominated more than one time, and nominations must be submitted by May 1.

The Hall of Fame Committee members will vote via e-mail within three weeks after the Nominating Meeting, voting for no more than three student-athlete nominees and one non-athlete nominee. During the three-week voting period, additional information may be disseminated to the Committee about the nominees, typically answers to questions posed during the Nomination process. In an effort to support the philosophy and need of the school to encourage all student-athletes to be multi-sport participants, the voting requirement for single-sport athletes will be 80% for induction as opposed to a 2/3 vote for multi-sport athletes. Earning a varsity letter in at least two sports as a junior and senior is required to meet the definition of being a multi-sport participant. Former Coaches, Administrators and Friends of Paladin Athletics is a 2/3 voting requirement.

The top three student-athlete candidates, and the top non-athlete candidate, receiving the required percentage of votes will be confirmed annually, but no candidate will be confirmed unless they receive a minimum voting requirement. If more than three student-athletes, or one non-athlete, receive the voting requirement, the nominees representing the oldest years will be confirmed. Any nominee failing to be confirmed may be re-nominated in subsequent years.

All inductees will be notified by the Athletic Department of acceptance into the Athletic Hall of Fame before a public announcement is made. Names of inductees will be announced to the public after all inductees are notified. Nominee must be able to attend Hall of Fame Ceremony to be inducted (unless extenuating circumstances).

Should a Committee member be unable to fulfill their responsibilities for any reason, the Athletic Director may appoint an alternate voter until a new member can be confirmed in order to have a total of 12 voting members.


Each honored athlete will receive a commemorative plaque which is a replica of one to be displayed on the Pinecrest Academy Athletics Hall of Fame wall in Lower Atrium of the Upper School Gym. Honored athletes will also receive a “free athletic ticket for life” to any Pinecrest home sporting event held at Pinecrest Academy, exclusive of region and state competitions.
Committee Management and Administration

The Pinecrest Academy Athletic Department will manage the Committee and have final authority in regards to its administration. The Director of Athletics will serve as the Chairman.

Selection/Number of Committee Members and Policy Review
To establish the Committee, the Pinecrest Academy Director of Athletics shall select a total of 12 members comprised of coaches, and representatives of faculty/staff, and alumni. The Director of Athletics may also select non-voting advisors who may offer counsel to advance the mission of the Pinecrest Academy Athletics Hall of Fame. The Director of Athletics and the Assistant Directors of Athletics will serve in non-voting capacities except for Committee member selection and policy changes when the Director of Athletics and the Assistant Director of Athletics will have two votes each. Members will serve for an initial period of two years, and maybe confirmed for additional two-year terms with two-thirds confirmation of the Committee. Nomination and confirmation of new members will occur every two years by the current Committee membership. Policy changes require two-thirds vote of the Committee.

The initial 12 Committee members will be comprised of:
Athletic Director, acting as Committee Chairman
Assistant Athletic Director, acting as Committee Vice-Chair
Assistant Athletic Director, acting as Committee Secretary
6 Head Coaches
4 Faculty representative
2 Alumni representatives
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