
Dear Heavenly Father,

This is Your school and Your campaign. We are Your servant leaders; show us the way, light the path, bring us benefactors, help us to trust that this is Your will for Pinecrest, and You will lead us to success. We have seen your handiwork throughout our 27-year history, and we know we can expect miracles.
We love you, we trust in You. Help us to get out of our own way, so that You can provide the clarity and equip us to do the work necessary to make our Campaign goals a reality. Our students, families, teachers, staff, and all future generations of Pinecrest Academy are depending on it. Sew us all together in a spiritual way so we share in the struggles, the joys, and accomplishments of all. Let us always keep our community lifted in prayer. Let us never be afraid of doing your will.

Christ our King: Thy Kingdom Come! Mother most pure: Pray for Us!
955 Peachtree Parkway
Cumming, GA 30041
Phone: 770.888.4477
Fax: 770.888.0404